Autotimeliner to CyberChef to Timesketch

As you might know, I love to combine several OpenSource tools to get things done. One thing I wanted to play for some weeks is Autotimeliner by Andrea Fortuna.This tool is made to extract events from an Memory Image to combine it into a timeline. If you have a timeline, what comes next? Of course, putting it into Timesketch. So let’s give it a try.

We start with a memory dump from a Stuxnet infection from Download the four files, extract them and you are good to go.



Installation is pretty easy, install Volatility either via pre-compiled binary or install it manually, see the Volatility installation wiki for further information.

Test it running: -v


To install sleuthkit run:

(You need that for mactime)

brew install sleuthkit


sudo apt-get install sleuthkit

Installation Autotimeliner

Simply clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

Run it

python -f /Users/foobar/Downloads/ -p WinXPSP2x86 -t 2009-10-20..2018-10-21

That might take some time depending on your hardware.

Now you have an csv file around 5.6 MB.

                _     _______ _                _ _
     /\        | |   |__   __(_)              | (_)
    /  \  _   _| |_ ___ | |   _ _ __ ___   ___| |_ _ __   ___ _ __
   / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \| |  | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
  / ____ \ |_| | || (_) | |  | | | | | | |  __/ | | | | |  __/ |
 /_/    \_\__,_|\__\___/|_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___|_|

- Automagically extract forensic timeline from volatile memory dump -

Andrea Fortuna - -

*** Processing image /Users/foobar/Downloads/
*** Using custom profile: WinXPSP2x86
*** Creating memory timeline......done!
*** Creating shellbags timeline......done!
*** Creating $MFT timeline......done!
*** Merging and filtering timelines......done!
Timeline saved in /Users/foobar/Downloads/

The format used for the dates is not compatible with Timesketch:

more /Users/foobar/Downloads/
Date,Size,Type,Mode,UID,GID,Meta,File Name
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84995,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Lib\SITE-P~1\setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg-info\TOP_LE~1.TXT (Offset: 0x8a28c00)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,85000,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Lib\SITE-P~1\SETUPT~1.EGG\DEPEND~1.TXT (Offset: 0x75e4000)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,m..b,---a-----------,0,0,84985,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~1.PY (Offset: 0x91b9400)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84986,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~1.MAN (Offset: 0x91b9800)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84987,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~1.EXE (Offset: 0x91b9c00)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84988,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~2.MAN (Offset: 0x1042f000)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,m..b,---a-----------,0,0,84989,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~2.PY (Offset: 0x1042f400)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84990,"[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~2.EXE (Offset: 0x1042f800)"
Tue Oct 20 2009 21:21:26,0,...b,---a-----------,0,0,66083,"[MFT STD_INFO] Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\ZoomIt.exe (Offset: 0x1a8a5c00)"
Wed Oct 21 2009 00:02:28,76800,m...,---a-----------,0,0,65342,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Program Files\NTCore\Explorer Suite\Tools\DRIVER~1.EXE (Offset: 0x14b9c800)"
Wed Oct 21 2009 00:02:28,76800,m...,---a-----------,0,0,65342,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Program Files\NTCore\Explorer Suite\Tools\DriverList.exe (Offset: 0x14b9c800)"
Wed Oct 21 2009 00:02:28,76800,m...,---a-----------,0,0,65342,"[MFT STD_INFO] Program Files\NTCore\Explorer Suite\Tools\DRIVER~1.EXE (Offset: 0x14b9c800)"
Wed Oct 21 2009 18:25:52,780800,m...,---a-----------,0,0,65338,"[MFT FILE_NAME] Program Files\NTCore\Explorer Suite\TASKEX~1.EXE (Offset: 0x14b1b800)"

so we need to adjust that. In the past, I used an own developed python script for that, but that does not really scale, so I considered another option.


An open source tool by GCHQ:

A simple, intuitive web app for analysing and decoding data without having to deal with complex tools or programming languages. CyberChef encourages both technical and non-technical people to explore data formats, encryption and compression.


git clone

Now open it

From the CSV that was generated, use your favourite tool to extract the first column of the csv which should look like that:

Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06
Tue Oct 20 2009 21:21:26
Wed Oct 21 2009 00:02:28

Now use the following CyberChef Recipe


And paste them all into input. It will result in a file you can download with the output.

Now the output txt has two CSV columns, you need to combine them with your autotimeliner csv to have the following headers:

datetime	timestamp	timestamp_desc
2009-10-20T12:08:04+0000	1256040484000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline
2009-10-20T12:08:04+0000	1256040484000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline
2009-10-20T12:08:06+0000	1256040486000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline
2009-10-20T12:08:06+0000	1256040486000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline
2009-10-20T12:08:06+0000	1256040486000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline
2009-10-20T12:08:06+0000	1256040486000	stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline

Now the csv should like like:


2009-10-20T12:08:04+0000,1256040484000,stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline,Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,84995,[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Lib\SITE-P~1\setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg-info\TOP_LE~1.TXT (Offset: 0x8a28c00)
2009-10-20T12:08:04+0000,1256040484000,stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline,Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:04,0,ma.b,---a-----------,0,0,85000,[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Lib\SITE-P~1\SETUPT~1.EGG\DEPEND~1.TXT (Offset: 0x75e4000)
2009-10-20T12:08:06+0000,1256040486000,stuxnet.vmem_Mem_Dump_Timeline,Tue Oct 20 2009 12:08:06,0,m..b,---a-----------,0,0,84985,[MFT STD_INFO] Python26\Scripts\EASY_I~1.PY (Offset: 0x91b9400)

There is one little caveat, you need to add „“ around the message, because some values might break the Import process.

That can now be imported into Timesketch

Et voila, a timesketched Memory Dump