Travel Verona Italy

Arena of Verona

Arena of Verona

Verona (around 260 000 inhabitants), city of Romeo and Julia, with one of the largest romisch arenas in Italy and is famous for it’s operas during the year. The UNESCO awarded Verona with World Heritage Site status for its urban structure and architecture.

Mask of an opera

Mask of an opera

The major walking area is packed with the big brands like Hermes, Dolce & Gabana and Mont Blanc, but there are also some really nice shops and it is worth to keep your head up and have a look on the beautiful houses and not only the shops on the usual view axis.

We have not spent the money for the arena, just walked around but you could also pay a small fee for going upstairs to a bell tower of a church nearby.

If you plan to visit Verona with your love, make sure you have an Edding, the entry area of Julia’s balcony is full with couple messages and hearts, very romantic. It is also worth to make one or two shots with your partner.



After arena and Julia’s balcony there are the other touristic spots like duomo, the castle etc which I will not mention, there are better blogs about that.

I would recommend to go there for half a day, preferable before lunch, park your car in one of the parking houses.

Things I planned:

– Visit the balcony of Julia

Things I haven’t done:

    Visit the arena
    Spend money for crappy souvenirs
    Visited a opera

Things I would do within the next trip:

    Bring an eddying with me

Things i learned:

    Keep your head down when visiting Julias balcony unless you want to be on hundreds of pictures.
    Gelato (Ice cream) can be very expensive in Verona (we saw >2 €) but there will be a cheaper one nearby for sure
    It is very easy to find out who is a german tourist (good for find someone for taking a picture)

Good spots:

    Julias Balcony
    Arena of Verona
    Shopping Area
verona guilietta e romeo

verona guilietta e romeo

Romeo and Julia

Romeo and Julia

[osm_map lat=“45.442″ lon=“10.998″ zoom=“15″ width=“600″ height=“450″ marker=“45.44199,10.99848″]

Bozen – balzano

Balzano Cathedral Bozen Italien

Balzano Cathedral

Botzen is famous for Ötzi, also called the icema, and they are showing the old dead body in a special museum, but expect the museum to be very crowded. The building is not very huge and I think that is the unique selling point, we would have to wait for an hour and is about 9 € per adult (August 2014).
According to the museum web page:

A visit to the museum takes about 1-2 hours.
The interior of the museum is easily accessible to disabled people.

So it is up to you if you want to wait.
The mumy was found 1991 in the Ötztal alps and scientiests assume that he was living around 3300 before christus. Funny fact: he was found by two german tourists, so if you walking around in the alps, watch carefully, you might find Ötzi 2.0.

Besides the museum, Balzano has some nice churches and older buildings that could be worth to check out.

The pedestrian zone is very very nice, lots of small shops with unique stuff (but also the big brands have their space), and you should save around two hours to give it a look.

If you plan to rest for a while have a look for the „Kornplatz“, with some nice wooden seats. Try to be there during market time so you can buy fresh and high quality stuff for a fair amount of money. According to this page the schedule is like following:

Fruits, vegetables, food, clothes, custome jewellery, items for home…

Monday: Piazza Don Bosco
Tuesday: Via Piacenza-Via Aslago
Thursday: Via Rovigo, Piazza Matteotti
Saturday: Piazza della Vittoria and surroundings

For parking you should give this one a try, it is pricewise fair and very central just next to the Balzano Cathedral

Parcheggi Italia Spa
10/A Piazza Walther Von Der Vogelweide, Bolzano, BZ 39100

A little confusing is going back to the autobahn / motorway, if your GPs is recommending Balzano south / Bozen Süd, be careful. We ended on a

A nice spot it the Ponte Talerva, a bridge with some locks as a symbol of love and you can walk to the „Siegesdenkmal“ – „Monumento alla Vittoria“

Balzano love locks on a bridge

Balzano love locks on a bridge


Here is a new feature, an OpenStreetMap with most of the spots mentioned in the Blogpost.

[osm_map lat=“46.499″ lon=“11.353″ zoom=“15″ width=“600″ height=“450″ marker_file=““]

Niagara falls


Going To Michigan and or Canada / Toronto the first spot on the todo list should be Niagara falls. 4200 liters per seconds are falling 58 meters and are a tourist magnet category a++.
Around the falls a fluent tourism addicted village has grown and try to get as much money as possible out of the tourist wallet. Hotels, Casinos, Food, Parking spots, souvenirs, boat tours, helicopter tours, behind the falls tours and many more, take what you want.


What amused me very much is the fact that niagara falls looks like „selfie-eldorado“, it’s just amazing how many people using their Smartphones, Tablets, Camcorder or Digicams to capture them selves. Of course most of these pictures do not look that good, some years ago John Doe simply asked Carla Carrot to make a picture of John and John will also take a picture of Carla, tourist interaction at its best, but now, no one is willing to ask, even if that would end up in better pictures.

Things I planned for Niagara falls:
watch the water…

Things I haven’t done in Niagara falls:
helicopter tour (haha, the price for that is just a waste of money)
both any souvenirs or other swag (if you want to buy some souvenirs, go some streets further away from the main roads, their are quite a lot Souvenir-outlets)
eaten anything their, it is just to expensive

Things I would do within the next trip:
actually I did everything I wanted for niagara falls, there is not that much more to do there

Niagara Falls are awesome to watch, Boat tour is okay, but not a must-do, because it is quite expensive for only aprox. 20 minutes


The village is just bizarre like a big „funfair“ or Las Vegas style.
Burger King in Frankensteinis very cool..-


Things I have learned:
– pre buy boat ticket —> will save a lot of time or just do not make the boat trip
– selfie, selfie selfie…
– the closer you go to the falls area, the more the parking will cost you —> spend 5 minutes walking and save 50 %
– stuck in a elevator can be caused by a lady hitting a wrong button but can also be solved by a ladie hitting the right button
– mark your parking sport on GPS!
– never ever rent a car without „cruise control“ when going to Canada or US —> just boring only going straight for hundreds of miles

Boston Travel guide

Boston, a city with quite a lot of history on the east coast of the United states of america. Famous for lobster, his history, MIT and Harvard and Boston Marathon.
While Boston Marathon was just recently the target of an attack, the Marathon survived and the idea of using sports to bring people together. Boston is a very sporty city. While doing sightseeing or walking in one the parks you will see a lot of active people. The variety is from running, skating, cycling to rowing or sailing an the river.
During my time in Boston there were at least two 10 km running events in central Boston.
So defently a sport for sport minded people.

Boston freedom trail

The history of Boston is (for US) very long, back to 1630 and the Boston Tea-Party, everything can be discovered while walking the so called „freedom trail“ which marks a way crossing the city of Boston and reaches all the touristic spots. Helpful volunteers will answer every question in most of the destinations.

As I like to discover new cites with the so called Hop-On Hop-Off busses, Boston is a city to be discovered per pedes. All the parks in Boston are perfect to take a little nap while listening to people playing their instruments or just observe one of the squirrels.

Duck Tours Boston

When hitting Boston, you will notice strange looking vehicles, called Ducks. Durck Tours are the Boston way to discover the city and combine streets with water. I haven’t done the Duck tour, since I tried to walk as much as possible.

POI: 4 Copley Pl #4155, Boston, MA 02116, Vereinigte Staaten

For hungry people there is one particular street with dozen of different restaurants and bars, but do not hit them at rush hour, the top locations are way overcrowded, but even besides that, Boston has all kind of food, but should at least try lobster once, even if it is not that cheap.

POI: Hanover Street, Boston, MA, USA

Harvard Street

Being a nerd, Harvard and MIT were a must see on my list, so we went to Harvard via T, the subway in Boston, and explored the campus. It is very impressive and huge, even the area around the campus has „student-flair“. Beatiful buildings, students every were, but also a lot of tourists occupying the campus.

calculus sign

Completely opposite in my opinion is the MIT campus: no tourists, simple buildings, no students, no tourists, but a very nice setup on top of the highest Building. Nice side mark, on my way from T to MIT a girl went by smiling, it took 5 seconds until I found the „what was wrong with this girl“ – she was wearing google glasses – welcome to nerd heaven

MIT building

– Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 United states
– MIT Cambridge, MA USA

Thinks I planned
– Hit the nicest park in Boston: Boston Common (Boston Common Boston, MA 02108)
– Play soccer with friends
– Walk the freedom trail

Things I haven’t planned but turned out to be very nice:
– Whale watching (just go to: Boston Harbor Cruises 1 Long Wharf Boston, MA 02110)

Things I would do during my next stay in Boston:

– Visit the Boston Bombing monument
– Visit Boston Red sox stadium
– hit the „T“ on the right station and let it play music (Kendall Band in Kendall Station, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
– make a run in one of the parks
– eat lobster

Things I leaned:

– very European city
– whale watching will help to support whales (tours are used to do research on their behaviors
– there are actually rules for whale watching (how long to watch a whale…)
– bring your passport to Bars / Clubs —> they are not happy only having IDs, even when they are official („we have MIT students, they can copy nearly every ID within 30 minutes…)

Other nice spots:

Parish Cafe and Bar 361 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 – very good food (Sandwiches and Chicken Wings)
Minbar 51 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02116 – nice
Storyville 90 Exeter St Boston, MA 02116 – good for clubbing

Disclaimer: This is not an travel guide, I just tried to write down my exp. during my time in Boston.

Recommended Book for Boston:

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